
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Blog Post #1


(January. 13. 2021): by Julianna Rigoglioso

    Where do you get your news? Newspaper? Social Media Websites? Magazines? The media and news are all around us--circulating our every day lives. News relating to fashion, politics, new technological innovations swarms our lives and gives us something to talk and research about: even if you notice it or not. The media and news spark our brains to form opinions of our own: opinions on fashion trends, political issues, or even values. 

 I have always been interested in fashion and beauty. I follow celebrities and fashion accounts on social media so I can stay up to date. However, for me personally, I never took the time to do political research. I've heard the opinions of my parents and family, but never truly took time to research and find my own political standpoints and beliefs. When I was 17, I knew that it was time because I was going to vote soon. Ever since then, I became infatuated with political media and news outlets. 

Listed below are my top 5 favorite ways to stay up to date on all things going on in the world. Ranging from beauty to politics, here are my go to informational sources. 


Youtube is a solid way to quickly become informed on contemporary issues. Sometimes, I don't understand the language or point an author is trying to get across in an article. With Youtube, I can watch and listen to a video and learn that way. Because I am a visual learner, assigning a face to writing, or pictures behind a topic helps me understand what's truly going on. Also, I don't really watch live TV; for me, it is hard to keep up with. Whenever I want to listen to a speech or watch an interview, Youtube has easy and direct access. I use youtube for entertainment and educational purposes. When it comes to celebrity news or drama, I'll see if I can find a video about it. When it comes to learning about politics and what is going on with our nation, I'll look for videos (from credible channels) to help me become more informed. 

Here are some news channels I like to subscribe to:



I like to listen to podcasts (using Spotify) when I'm driving or when I'm just doing my chores around the house. I find that it explains what's going on in the world in a (sometimes) humoruous and entertaining way. I also learn other's opinions and learn to look on both sides of every arguement and situation. I don't always agree with what the person is saying, but it is good to be educated on both sides of a situation before you just side with one. I like listening to Joe Rogan mostly because he talks about issues very bluntly and doesn't walk around the problem. I listen to his podcasts on politics, entertainment, technology, business and more.

Joe Rogan's Podcast

Listen with open ears and take everything with a grain of salt. Remember he is not a politican or an educator, just an individual with a opinion just like you and me. 


    I use Forbes to fact check my news sources and information I hear from my friends and family. The website is easy to navigate; they have different categories ranging from politics to entertainment to sports. I find that Forbes explains everything in detail and doesn't exaggerate anything. Biases are everywhere; however, it is how we interpret thoses biases that in which allows us to form our own opinions. I'll listen to Fox News and CNN to observe what each side thinks of current political issues, debates, and topics going on in our world. Nonetheless, when I need direct facts or direct news, I go to Forbes. They aren't a biased news soruce which makes researching politics alot easier and more credible when obtaining the information. I find they are the middle man of the news sources in today's day in age.


As a child of the 21st century and a lover of social media, I will admit that I go on Instagram daily. When learning new facts on Instagram, I always find myself going back to my other sources to make sure it is true: especially with politics or national/world news. I mostly use Instagram for entertainment purposes: to find news about celebrities, fashion styles, new music, new movies or shows coming out. I follow a few political accounts, but I don't count them as my political research. I usually will refer to one of my other news sources to find more details on specific situations.


The Daily Wire is a news source I use to stay educated on current political problems or news going on in our country. I tend to agree with most of their political stand points and enjoy learning about current issues and modern politics. I want to know what's really going on; not the twisted truth. The Daily Wire will occasionally release videos that are humorous which can take the edge off the tense political state our nation is in.

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