
Wednesday, February 17, 2021



N  E  T  F  L  I  X

 February 17th, 2021
 by Julianna Rigoglioso

In the 21st century, Live Television has taken the backseat to Online Streaming Services. Society said goodbye to waiting weeks before you can watch the next episode of your TV Show. Everyone's favorite television shows and movies are now in one place and accessible at any time; as long as you pay the $15 a month of course. Online streaming services have taken over the world— and you can thank Netflix for that. Netflix started this wave that society continues to surf.

Founded in 1997, Netflix has adapted and innovated the world of watching: the entertainment industry has forever been changed. And it is because of this that it will still continue to adapt as we become more technologically savvy. First beginning as a DVD rental company, Netflix has become almost everyone's obsession in today's society in 2021. Before becoming the ultimate "go-to" streaming service, Netflix first gained popularity by selling DVDs to people online. 

You would pick out movies from Netflix's website and wait for the movies to deliver to you at your door; similar to online shopping. Customers typically rented it for a monthly fee for as many movies as they wish. The number of DVDs in their possession at any one time was not always available depending on certain subscriptions. The movie catalogs were limited.

In 2021, the movie catalogs and selctions are endless. With less than 10 clicks of my remote, I can entertain my brain for hours on end. And once I am done with one movie, I can move on to the next within minutes. 

After Netflix hit the web; Hulu and Amazon Prime were later created. Evidently, Netflix created a pathway that many entertainment companies now follow—Hulu was created in 2008, Amazon Prime in 2006. Society loves television and now, with such advanced devices to watch these shows on, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime have all become billion-dollar companies. Even Disney followed in Netflix's footsteps; finally creating their own streaming service in 2019 for all Disney classic movies and shows. 

Netflix ultimately created the avenue of innovation for streaming services. It is now a race to see which company can add the coolest features and best movies to their platform. Great for society, big tech/entertainment company competition leads to new and more advanced features for us movie watchers. For example, to amp their streaming service, Netflix began creating their own content. In 2012, Netflix decided to make their own TV Shows and Movies to add to their website; titled Netflix Originals. 

Some argue that Netflix ruins TV for people because it is so easily accessible now. You can binge-watch any show at any time. Its convenience ruins the suspense you would have to endure while waiting for next week's episode for your favorite TV show.  Netflix, and other streaming services, are also slowly taking people away from going to the movies. Especially now with the pandemic, no one is going out, let alone going to the movie theatre. Who knows if they will ever open back up again? Like I mentioned in my introduction, Live Television and movies have taken the backseat to Online Streaming Services like Netflix.


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