
Saturday, January 23, 2021

Blog Post #3

 6 Clauses of the First Amendment: In Reality

(January. 23. 2021): by Julianna Rigoglioso

The First Amendment of the Constitution establishes six clauses, or freedoms, and as an American Citizen, you have the right to these six clauses. Freedom of Speech allows the people to speak up for what is right and what is wrong; free from punishment. Freedom of Press allows the media and news to have free subject of speech as well. Freedom of Peaceable Assembly allows the people to gather together as one, use their freedom of speech, and take action for what they believe in. Freedom of Petition is the right to present the government with requests without facing punishment: also known as talking back to the government. Freedom FROM Religion and Freedom OF Religion are two seperate clauses. Freedom from Religion established the "Establishment Clause." This clause supports the seperatation of the Church and State; Congress shall not determine a religion. Lastly, Freedom of Religion gives Americans the right to establish their own presonal beliefs freely: also known as the "Free Exercise Clause." 
First Amendment is about protecting the people's autonomy. 

The First Amendment Codones: 

1. Freedom from Religion (Establishment Clause)

2. Freedom of Religion (Free Exercise Clause)

3. Freedom of Speech 

4. Freedom of the Press 

5. Freedom of Assembly

6. Freedom of Petition

Former President Donald Trump's Twitter Ban:

NY Times Article by John Herrman
"What Was Donald Trump's Twitter? 
Social media platform, Twitter,  releases a statement on January 8, 2021, stating 
"Permanent suspension of      @realDonaldTrump" 
Once Twitter banned former President Trump from its platform; the news quickly gained reaction from the public.

This sparked intense political debate on whether or not this ban was constitutional. Some saw it as violating The Constitution and President Trump's First Amendment rights; "the censorship of the President of the United States is illegal!" People will argue that Twitter is taking away President Trumps Freedom of Speech.

Now, Does President Trump's Ban from Twitter Unconsitutional? Does it violate one of the 6 Freedoms of the First Amendment? 

Although it is wrong to ban The President of the United States from a social media platform like Twitter, it is not classified as unconstituional. If they wish to not have his name involved with their company, they legally and constitutionally can do that. Twitter claimed that Donald Trump was violating their own rules that they expect all users to follow. This act does not violate the constituion, therefore; Twitter has the right to ban him from their platform if they wish. The governement didn't censor Trump, but rather, a privately owned company did.

We have to remember that Twitter is a company, a business, and most importantly, a private corporation. The government cannot control private corporations. "The State Action Doctrine" specifically states that the first amendment does not reach private actors. Twitter can ban whoever they want, for whatever reason. The government does not have the right to tell them otherwise. 

Personally, I think the ban of former President Trump was unfair and quite alarming when you look at the big picture.  I do agree that his posts can be ridicuolous; however, by Twitter banning Donald Trump, it reveals to the public how these big corporations are more powerful than their own government—than the literal President of the United States. Twitter, Facebook, Google, are such dominant and influential platforms; they have created a monopoly of social media, everything is connected to them. These corporations are more powerful than any of history's dictators combined because they have the power to change and censor information that people mistakenly rely on. 

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