
Monday, January 25, 2021

Blog Post #4

Behind the Headlines: Silencing AntiWar Voices

(January. 25. 2021): by Julianna Rigoglioso

When you turn on mainstream news channels, you'll hear about political news, fashion news, social media disputes, information about COVID-19 rates and vaccines, any government decisions or statements that have been made; but, have you ever thought about how the news never headlines the US's current military stance. It hardly even talks about foreign affairs, or even our current war stance, or the most recent attack. We must pay attention, research, and question the military affairs going on in our nation. The mainstream media blankets the information about military affairs. Some think it is to assure the people that the US will be okay and not cause public panic or fear.  

In order to find out information and hear the voices of those who are "AntiWar," people must seek out obscure websites. Websites such as ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative are pushed to the side remaining far away from headline news. Nonetheless, do you think it is to keep the public from having their own thoughts and opinions on the war? Or maybe to conceal and avoid public opinion on decisions being made by the government? Those who are considered "AntiWar" voices are silenced and cornered to certain websites, their opinion and stance are forbidden from mainstream news. Most Citizens of the United States remain unaware or forget that we are in an unceasing battle with the Middle East. Our very own tax dollars go into military funding, yet, we aren't updated on the current situation and journalists are being silenced. No one can simply go against it. According to Institute of Policy Studies, "the average taxpayer paid $190 for all diplomacy and foreign aid, compared to eighteen times as much—$4,328—for the Pentagon and military." We tower over countries in military spending, but we are silenced from information and are the most clueless about it. 


On ANTIWAR.COM, it contains headlines with different news regarding information about wars in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, China/Taiwan, Israel/Palestine, Afghanistan, India, and more. If I were to ask my parents, who are avid news-watchers, about any of these affairs, they would know a thing. I didn't even know a thing until I read this article. Most of the American public does not know a thing about what is going on. Mainstream news broadcasts and posts information to suppress these anti-war voices. I think that the government doesn't want the US citizens jeopardizing their plans; officials want to get what they want passed, act upon it, and avoid the backlash of the public. Also to mention various industries benefit from the war such as "Lockheed Martin": the largest defense contractor in the world. It is estimated to have had $44.9 billion in arms sales in the year 2017 through deals with governments all over the world; most profitable from the U.S. Government. "Lockheed Martin" received $35 billion in sales alone from the U.S. Government. Money out talks the AntiWar voices. It protects the U.S. Government and its decisions.   

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