
Monday, January 25, 2021

Blog Post #4

Behind the Headlines: Silencing AntiWar Voices

(January. 25. 2021): by Julianna Rigoglioso

When you turn on mainstream news channels, you'll hear about political news, fashion news, social media disputes, information about COVID-19 rates and vaccines, any government decisions or statements that have been made; but, have you ever thought about how the news never headlines the US's current military stance. It hardly even talks about foreign affairs, or even our current war stance, or the most recent attack. We must pay attention, research, and question the military affairs going on in our nation. The mainstream media blankets the information about military affairs. Some think it is to assure the people that the US will be okay and not cause public panic or fear.  

In order to find out information and hear the voices of those who are "AntiWar," people must seek out obscure websites. Websites such as ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative are pushed to the side remaining far away from headline news. Nonetheless, do you think it is to keep the public from having their own thoughts and opinions on the war? Or maybe to conceal and avoid public opinion on decisions being made by the government? Those who are considered "AntiWar" voices are silenced and cornered to certain websites, their opinion and stance are forbidden from mainstream news. Most Citizens of the United States remain unaware or forget that we are in an unceasing battle with the Middle East. Our very own tax dollars go into military funding, yet, we aren't updated on the current situation and journalists are being silenced. No one can simply go against it. According to Institute of Policy Studies, "the average taxpayer paid $190 for all diplomacy and foreign aid, compared to eighteen times as much—$4,328—for the Pentagon and military." We tower over countries in military spending, but we are silenced from information and are the most clueless about it. 


On ANTIWAR.COM, it contains headlines with different news regarding information about wars in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, China/Taiwan, Israel/Palestine, Afghanistan, India, and more. If I were to ask my parents, who are avid news-watchers, about any of these affairs, they would know a thing. I didn't even know a thing until I read this article. Most of the American public does not know a thing about what is going on. Mainstream news broadcasts and posts information to suppress these anti-war voices. I think that the government doesn't want the US citizens jeopardizing their plans; officials want to get what they want passed, act upon it, and avoid the backlash of the public. Also to mention various industries benefit from the war such as "Lockheed Martin": the largest defense contractor in the world. It is estimated to have had $44.9 billion in arms sales in the year 2017 through deals with governments all over the world; most profitable from the U.S. Government. "Lockheed Martin" received $35 billion in sales alone from the U.S. Government. Money out talks the AntiWar voices. It protects the U.S. Government and its decisions.   

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Blog Post #3

 6 Clauses of the First Amendment: In Reality

(January. 23. 2021): by Julianna Rigoglioso

The First Amendment of the Constitution establishes six clauses, or freedoms, and as an American Citizen, you have the right to these six clauses. Freedom of Speech allows the people to speak up for what is right and what is wrong; free from punishment. Freedom of Press allows the media and news to have free subject of speech as well. Freedom of Peaceable Assembly allows the people to gather together as one, use their freedom of speech, and take action for what they believe in. Freedom of Petition is the right to present the government with requests without facing punishment: also known as talking back to the government. Freedom FROM Religion and Freedom OF Religion are two seperate clauses. Freedom from Religion established the "Establishment Clause." This clause supports the seperatation of the Church and State; Congress shall not determine a religion. Lastly, Freedom of Religion gives Americans the right to establish their own presonal beliefs freely: also known as the "Free Exercise Clause." 
First Amendment is about protecting the people's autonomy. 

The First Amendment Codones: 

1. Freedom from Religion (Establishment Clause)

2. Freedom of Religion (Free Exercise Clause)

3. Freedom of Speech 

4. Freedom of the Press 

5. Freedom of Assembly

6. Freedom of Petition

Former President Donald Trump's Twitter Ban:

NY Times Article by John Herrman
"What Was Donald Trump's Twitter? 
Social media platform, Twitter,  releases a statement on January 8, 2021, stating 
"Permanent suspension of      @realDonaldTrump" 
Once Twitter banned former President Trump from its platform; the news quickly gained reaction from the public.

This sparked intense political debate on whether or not this ban was constitutional. Some saw it as violating The Constitution and President Trump's First Amendment rights; "the censorship of the President of the United States is illegal!" People will argue that Twitter is taking away President Trumps Freedom of Speech.

Now, Does President Trump's Ban from Twitter Unconsitutional? Does it violate one of the 6 Freedoms of the First Amendment? 

Although it is wrong to ban The President of the United States from a social media platform like Twitter, it is not classified as unconstituional. If they wish to not have his name involved with their company, they legally and constitutionally can do that. Twitter claimed that Donald Trump was violating their own rules that they expect all users to follow. This act does not violate the constituion, therefore; Twitter has the right to ban him from their platform if they wish. The governement didn't censor Trump, but rather, a privately owned company did.

We have to remember that Twitter is a company, a business, and most importantly, a private corporation. The government cannot control private corporations. "The State Action Doctrine" specifically states that the first amendment does not reach private actors. Twitter can ban whoever they want, for whatever reason. The government does not have the right to tell them otherwise. 

Personally, I think the ban of former President Trump was unfair and quite alarming when you look at the big picture.  I do agree that his posts can be ridicuolous; however, by Twitter banning Donald Trump, it reveals to the public how these big corporations are more powerful than their own government—than the literal President of the United States. Twitter, Facebook, Google, are such dominant and influential platforms; they have created a monopoly of social media, everything is connected to them. These corporations are more powerful than any of history's dictators combined because they have the power to change and censor information that people mistakenly rely on. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Blog Post #2

The Supreme Court: Honoring the Constitution

(January. 20. 2021): by Julianna Rigoglioso

From Where It All Started

The Supreme Court
of the United States
(est. 1789)

Dedication to the Law. Absolute full honor and dedication to adhering to the Constitution of the United States. The Supreme Court of the United States consists of nine justices who hold the righteousness of the law. They cannot avoid controversy; they embrace it and act upon it. The Supreme Court must present justice and truth: or the pursuit of truth. The Supreme Court is the most influential branch of the government because they ultimately decide what is just and what is not. The evolution of the court substantiates the acceptance of progressivism in the United States. 
After 200 years, America accepted the courts authority. It wasn’t always like this however. 

The Change Within the Supreme Court

John Marshall (1755-1835)

Until John Marshall became Chief Justice, The Supreme Court was quite different. At this time in 1801, the court asserted the most power than ever before; finally gaining acceptance of the public. According to "Comm3390 Supreme Court, Pt. 1.," the narrator states that during the Marshall years, "the new court rapidly earned public respect as a coequal branch of government." 

First seen in Marbury v Madison (1803), John Marshall, appointed by John Adams, manifested the Supreme Court's power to evaluate and edict on the constitutionality of federal laws enacted by Congress. William Marbury, a federalist from Maryland, wanted to begin his job and get his commission; However, President Thomas Jefferson held off on these commisions. Marbury wanted them to order a court why he couldn't get his, and Chief Justice John Marshall ruled on the case. He saw this as a green light to establish important lines within the court. Within his ruling, he establishes many key decisions extending far beyond whether or not Marbury should receive his commission or not. 

Marshall made a major claim that The Supreme Court doesn't have the right to make Madison give Marbury the commission. Justice Marshall struke down the Judiciary Act of 1789.  Section 13—specifically—violated The Constitution; it simply wansn't The Supreme Court's place to rule in this circumstance because it gave them powers that The Constitution stated it shouldn't have. 

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound therby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding." 

(Article VI Section II)

During this Court Case—with help from "The Supremcy Clause"—the court was bestowed the power of Judicial Review; annoucing that The Supreme Court will turn to The Constitution when there is dispute between Congress and The Constitution. The Court has the right to mandate if a law, created by the government, is constitutional or not. 

Respect, Honor, and The Pursuit of Truth

The members of The Supreme Court have specific duties they have to complete; for example, they are dutied to function as the interpreter of the constitution, promising equal justice under the law. In addition, they also have pivotal morals they have to follow as well; I find that Respect is one of those morals. The members of The Supreme Court must respect the country, the people, their court, and most importantly, The Constitution of the United States. They have the power to uphold the law, with the help of the Constitution. They have the power to create justice in this world because of The Constitution. The nation is relying on them to create a coequal branch of governement while honoring the rights of The People, the States, and The Government. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Blog Post #1


(January. 13. 2021): by Julianna Rigoglioso

    Where do you get your news? Newspaper? Social Media Websites? Magazines? The media and news are all around us--circulating our every day lives. News relating to fashion, politics, new technological innovations swarms our lives and gives us something to talk and research about: even if you notice it or not. The media and news spark our brains to form opinions of our own: opinions on fashion trends, political issues, or even values. 

 I have always been interested in fashion and beauty. I follow celebrities and fashion accounts on social media so I can stay up to date. However, for me personally, I never took the time to do political research. I've heard the opinions of my parents and family, but never truly took time to research and find my own political standpoints and beliefs. When I was 17, I knew that it was time because I was going to vote soon. Ever since then, I became infatuated with political media and news outlets. 

Listed below are my top 5 favorite ways to stay up to date on all things going on in the world. Ranging from beauty to politics, here are my go to informational sources. 


Youtube is a solid way to quickly become informed on contemporary issues. Sometimes, I don't understand the language or point an author is trying to get across in an article. With Youtube, I can watch and listen to a video and learn that way. Because I am a visual learner, assigning a face to writing, or pictures behind a topic helps me understand what's truly going on. Also, I don't really watch live TV; for me, it is hard to keep up with. Whenever I want to listen to a speech or watch an interview, Youtube has easy and direct access. I use youtube for entertainment and educational purposes. When it comes to celebrity news or drama, I'll see if I can find a video about it. When it comes to learning about politics and what is going on with our nation, I'll look for videos (from credible channels) to help me become more informed. 

Here are some news channels I like to subscribe to:



I like to listen to podcasts (using Spotify) when I'm driving or when I'm just doing my chores around the house. I find that it explains what's going on in the world in a (sometimes) humoruous and entertaining way. I also learn other's opinions and learn to look on both sides of every arguement and situation. I don't always agree with what the person is saying, but it is good to be educated on both sides of a situation before you just side with one. I like listening to Joe Rogan mostly because he talks about issues very bluntly and doesn't walk around the problem. I listen to his podcasts on politics, entertainment, technology, business and more.

Joe Rogan's Podcast

Listen with open ears and take everything with a grain of salt. Remember he is not a politican or an educator, just an individual with a opinion just like you and me. 


    I use Forbes to fact check my news sources and information I hear from my friends and family. The website is easy to navigate; they have different categories ranging from politics to entertainment to sports. I find that Forbes explains everything in detail and doesn't exaggerate anything. Biases are everywhere; however, it is how we interpret thoses biases that in which allows us to form our own opinions. I'll listen to Fox News and CNN to observe what each side thinks of current political issues, debates, and topics going on in our world. Nonetheless, when I need direct facts or direct news, I go to Forbes. They aren't a biased news soruce which makes researching politics alot easier and more credible when obtaining the information. I find they are the middle man of the news sources in today's day in age.


As a child of the 21st century and a lover of social media, I will admit that I go on Instagram daily. When learning new facts on Instagram, I always find myself going back to my other sources to make sure it is true: especially with politics or national/world news. I mostly use Instagram for entertainment purposes: to find news about celebrities, fashion styles, new music, new movies or shows coming out. I follow a few political accounts, but I don't count them as my political research. I usually will refer to one of my other news sources to find more details on specific situations.


The Daily Wire is a news source I use to stay educated on current political problems or news going on in our country. I tend to agree with most of their political stand points and enjoy learning about current issues and modern politics. I want to know what's really going on; not the twisted truth. The Daily Wire will occasionally release videos that are humorous which can take the edge off the tense political state our nation is in.